Saturday, July 13, 2019

What Are The Types of SEO Techniques You Can Employ?

What Are The Types of SEO Techniques You Can Employ?

Search engine optimization or SEO is a technique that can be optimizing your website for search engines like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo, etc.  and refers to techniques that help your website rank higher and is more being used by most small and big businesses and platforms. This is a method through which a website can gain more popularity among consumers and can hence increase its profits. If you want to make your website rank up high on search engine rankings, then you too must hire an SEO specialist company to optimize your website.

SEO has two techniques to improve website position in SERP named ON-Page SEO and OFF-Page SEO.

SEO Techniques-allkeynotes
SEO Types

Both, the ON-Page and OFF-Page optimization can be done in the following three ways:

  1. White Hat SEO
  2. Black Hat SEO 
  3. Gray Hat SEO

White Hat SEO: White Hat SEO do all the SEO activities to improve the website rankings in the SERPs but they don’t violate the search engine guidelines to get ranking.

This is the best technique but it takes time and gives the long last benefits.

Black Hat SEO: Black Hat SEO uses the activities to get instant ranking on organic searches but they against the quality guidelines of search engines to gain the ranking instantly. 

The most common black hat SEO techniques include spam links, keyword stuffing,  cloaking doorway pages, hidden text, and hidden links.

Grey Hat SEO: Grey Hat SEO is not a white hat or not black hat, but they utilize both of the techniques to gain rankings. This is a mixed kind of approach. However, this is neither the completely white hat nor black hat, but there are chances that your website might get hurt after an update.

So, we will recommend following the white SEO techniques to optimize the performance and ranking of your website for long-time performance.

In the next article, we will see On-Page SEO Techniques...

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